SPARE ME your shock about Senator Obama's enthusiasm for policies designed to make our electricity prices skyrocket.
He and fellow environmentalists like high energy prices. The higher, the better. High energy prices reduce demand for energy. Lower demand means less usage. And reduced usage is the goal.
High energy prices and lower energy usage also hurt the economy and the American people, especially the poor, but this is not about economics; it's about a near-religious faith in the doctrine that a noticeably cooler world is, in fact, growing hotter.
Mr. Obama's problem in San Francisco is that, alone in a room with fellow believers, he spoke truth. And this wasn't the first time. From an earlier posting:
Once asked directly if high energy prices were a good thing, [Mr. Obama]implicitly accepted the proposition that they were. His only expressed quarrel was with the timing. His only proposed solution was to help us adjust to high energy prices.
I think that I would have preferred a gradual adjustment. The fact that this is such a shock to American pocketbooks is not a good thing.
Uh, but if we take some steps right now to, uh, help people make the adjustment, first of all by putting more money in their pockets, but also by encouraging the market to adapt to these new circumstances more quickly, particularly U.S. automakers.
You've had fair warning. If you help elect Mr. Obama, you too favor bankrupting coal companies, driving electricity prices into the stratosphere, and paying $4 for a gallon of gasoline. Don't gripe to me.
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