HAT TIP to Kevin Whited for passing this link about a coming remake of Atlanta's editorial page.
Dialing back a left-leaning editorial board in Atlanta is not, as the New York Times story intimates, a betrayal of the Georgia newspaper's admirable history of progressivism on race.
One of the left's many defects is the inability ever to declare victory. The Journal-Constitution was right on race and its views prevailed. A healthy response to victory is to accept it and get on with life. But the left often denies its victories and ratchets ever harder to left, reasoning -- apparently -- that any polity that was wrong about race must also be wrong about everything else: politics, economics, and culture.
Not celebrating the Fourth of July and other civic holidays of conventional American life, a hallmark of modern leftist editorial boards, is entirely consistent with their fundamental disdain for the soil on which they walk and the air they breathe.
I haven't followed the Journal-Constitution well enough to comment about its editorial policies, but the pattern -- so far as it can be decoded from the Times account -- appears to be similar to what happened at the Chronicle.
The leftward drift of our local editorial board is profound. It no longer speaks to, much less for, the great majority of readers and potential readers in Houston.
The bitter, hateful tone of recent years is gone, thanks to long-overdue firings. But the small band of brothers that now produces our editorials is still gripped by the destructive notion that everything that fails to measure up to their Boomer sensibilities should be taxed, spent, and regulated into the state of oblivion they regard as Nirvana.
The Journal-Constitution has shown the way. Let's start over at the Chronicle. (I say this with regret because Messrs. Langworthy and Fleck are swell guys. They're just wrong. Their time has come and, mercifully, gone.)
Oh, and that idea of hiring a couple of conservative columnists at the Journal-Constitution: Let's try that too.
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