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October 9, 2010


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"By the way, Secretariat must have been a Methodist, not a Baptist. Methodists sprinkle; Baptists and most other evangelicals dunk." / Lutherans and Presbyterians (some of whom are evangelical) also sprinkle. / "As Secretariat smashes his way through the Triple Crown and into our hearts, Mr. Wallace is saying, "That's what it feels like to turn your life over to Christ. It's like winning the Triple Crown." / If this is what he intended, then I would say a more accurate representation would be coming up for air and being resuscitated after being held underwater until you're unconscious. That's a better representation of conversion. / Of course, Scripture uses being born again, which would be similar, a baby taking its first breath. However Scripture also uses dead being raised, as we are all dead in trespasses and sins. However I doubt any of that would fit into a movie about a racehorse. / It's possible he wasn't trying to make any connection with winning the race to conversion, though (without having seen the movie yet; I plan to) I can see why you'd say that, and that does seem to be the natural meaning. / Could be he just wants to make Christians look normal to the general populace, since usually they are made to look like kooks!


My wife, quoting a source I've forgotten, told me that Secretariat's heart was much bigger and heavier than that of an average race horse. So, truly, Secretariat was created with huge potential.


Oh Happy Day! I agree fully with this analysis. I am grateful that God gave me the desire to pay to see this movie. Being frugal to the point of cheap, "Secretariat "is the first movie I have paid to see since Narnia. I had no idea that it would not only stir the joy and enthusiasm seen in a good horse, but would also encourage me with the truth of God's Word in Job as well as remind me to be ever so grateful for God's saving grace and its resulting joy.


I Googled this because I wanted to know the Christian motive behind this movie. Thanks for telling it. Yahoo! I worshipped in a horse movie. Way to tell the story, Mr. Wallace. I am glad you are not ashamed of the Gospel.

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