Old. Conservative. Christian. In love with my wife, our boys, Texas, America, Western Civilization, and Jesus. Sorry about the decline of newspapers. Therefore, a Trump voter.
The goal of the Clever People who run our local newspaper is not, as you might think, to understand why Texas works and why most of the rest of the country does not. It is not to celebrate that Texas works and most of the rest of the country does not. No. The goal of the Clever People who run our local newspaper is . . .
Garrison in the News is dead. Long live Garrison in the News. Which is to say, my congested in-box has coughed up a stray copy of the greatest newspaper in Texas, from which I will -- as always -- quote shamelessly. So for today and a few days to come, you who lack a hometown can still . . .
. . . has endorsed Unca D's favorite book about Western Civilization, From Dawn to Decadence by Jacques Barzun, about which the Unc has written here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
What great American thinker has now jumped aboard the Barzun bandwagon? None other than . . .