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March 19, 2013


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Good afternoon, I am Lee Cearnal's daughter, Gretchen, and wanted to say thank you for posting about his gifts. I know he admired you and your blog immensely. There was another obituary written by Todd Ackerman that was very good as well. Todd was one of his best friends, so he could write it from a friend's perspective, but it was in the obituary section of the paper. Thank you again. Respectfully, Gretchen Cearnal Botha . . . Unca D's reply: Your lovely note is more than kind. I admired your father immensely and regret that I did not get to know him better. In addition to all else that was good about him, he was a proud poppa and granddad. Every plate of barbeque we shared at Pizzitola's was spiced by happy and loving stories about you and his grandchildren.

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