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November 15, 2013


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Re: Abiding by the constitution: Yes, the president needs to faithfully execute the law, but by your logic we'd need to launch an inquisition against every patrol officer who lets speeders off easy. There is such a thing as good leadership that doesn't follow the law to the letter.

Re: Rent-seekers in DC: This is a funny comment coming from someone who lives in an area that is thriving off of siphoning money from the rest of the country. That is, Houston is booming because high oil demand and prices are pushing the oil companies to try and scrape up the last bits of (expensive) oil left. Meanwhile, Houstonians are happy to roll around in GMC Yukons to pick up a latte at the Galleria while people all over the country are struggling to pay for gas to get them to work. What's even more sinister is that this money also goes to pay for a media and political campaign that claims we'll never run out of cheap oil and climate change is bunk: therefore keep driving your cars and buying our gas.

All that said, I agree, as a liberal, that Obama is a huge disappointment and is continually stretching the interpretation of the law to allow outrageous things like broad NSA spying and assassinations in foreign sovereign territory. He's also failed to re-orient our economy to a new post-industrial, high-cost energy reality. I've always said it would've been better to be stabbed in the chest by McCain in 2008 than get back-stabbed by Obama in 2009.

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