BUT FOR RASMUSSEN, the pollster the left loves to hate, President Barack Hussein Obama's job approval on Real Clear Politics at this moment would be . . .
. . . 39.8 percent.
Rasmussen says 45 percent of likely voters approve of Mr. Obama's work as chief executive. The other seven polls now on the RCP screen range from a high of 42 percent to a low of 37 percent. Two of the seven cover all adults; the other five consult registered voters.
Back in the day, leftists regularly excoriated Rasmussen as a Republican tool, never to be trusted. Google Rasmussen to find examples.
My favorite Rasmussen takedown came in fall 2010 from a snotty Rice political science professor whose name I have mercifully forgotten.
The irony, of course, is that Rasmussen's favorable job approval numbers, day after day, are the only thing keeping The One from dipping into the dreaded 30s.
Who's right? Rasmussen or the rest?
Beats me.
All I know is that I follow the RCP average, and Rasmussen is now the only thing standing between Mr. Obama and his well-deserved, hard-earned numerical ignominy.
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