It is.
What's illegitimate is . . .
Barack Hussein Obama has never, not once, in his entire presidency endured a press conference with the force and ferocity of Thursday's run at New Jersey's guv, just to take one teeny example.
The full power of the press is regularly unleashed on conservatives and Republicans.
Progressives and Democrats largely get a pass or, when covered, get move-along-nothing-to-see-here, on-the-one-hand-on-the-other-hand coverage on page 16.
And where was the media's due diligence on Obamacare? Everything that is going wrong today with that lamentable fundamental transformer of America was forseeable but, alas, unforseen by the those whose duty it was to forsee.
This is more than bad journalism. It's immoral, indecent, utterly destructive.
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