. . . laughing as the Houston Chronicle goes into full damage control for the rapidly fraying . . .
. . . Wendy Davis.
When your resume is your life story, lying about your life story, even an eeny-teeny amount, is lying about your resume. Or so it would be for any Republican or conservative you care to name.
Not so, it seems, for the Texas left's newest Big Thing.
Forgetting is easy to do, and if it's forgettin' it ain't lyin'.
Minor inaccuracies don't count.
Anyway, what's the harm of a political fact-stretching, not to mention dumping the kids on the spouse to go play law school and politics? Everybody does it, especially nasty men.
So argues the Chronicle's chief (unintended) humor columnist, Lisa Falkenberg.
Where was she when Sarah Palin needed a sisterly hand up?
And where is the one columnist, cartoonist, or editorial writer at the Chronicle who will speak this simple truth, clear to all except oh-so-intelligent Texas progressives: You can put lipstick on a blonde, double divorcee, child-dumping, tax-raising, big-spending, party-switching, walk-a-day-in-my-pretty-pink-shoes [read: -a-mile-], legalized abortion advocate with a Harvard law degree financed by her soon-to-be-dumped husband's 401(k), but she's still not gonna (and shouldn't) be governor of Texas?
Then, of course, there's this. (Disregard the bloggers erroneous reference to a federal judge. This document on its face is from a Texas district court. Thanks to the alert reader who picked up the error.)
UPDATE: Ann Coulter does the definitive Wendy Davis takedown.
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