WILLIAM McGURN on how the big winner, no matter how the election turns out, is . . .
. . . William Jefferson Clinton (nee Blythe):
Yet Mr. Clinton wins even if his wife loses. Because the Trump victory would mean the American people have bought the argument Bill Clinton has been selling ever since that first bimbo eruption: So long as a man has never pretended he is a choirboy, his sexual life has nothing to do with his fitness for office.
. . . .
[In 1998] Americans learned President Clinton had had a sexual relationship with an intern. Once again Mr. Clinton's initial instinct was to lie about it, publicly and defiantly. The dominant mood was he would have to resign.
But he didn't resign. Instead, he fought back. And he won, largely because he and his wife refused to abide by norms about the decent thing to do in such a circumstance.
In this sense, Donald Trump is the new Bill Clinton. And if he does pull of a win in November, it will be in good part because of a culture that Hillary Clinton did much to create.
("And the Winner Is . . . Bill Clinton," The Wall Street Journal, October 11, 2016)
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