. . . we have money. They come here because we have . . .
. . . western civilization. It's wonderful. And everyone knows it. Even the multiculturals . . . ." -- "Dr. Bastiat," "Western Civilization: The Invisible, Beautiful Miracle That We Ignore," Ricochet (November 26, 2018).
Further, from the same essay:
The world is not divided into nice places and miserable places because of an unequal distribution of natural resources, or brain power, or arable land. It's because of an unequal distribution of western civilization. A civilization that we ignore at our peril.
What is western civilization?
Respect for others. Property rights. The rule of law. Free speech and thought. Judeo-Christian ethics (even among those who do not practice a Judeo-Christian religion). Free markets. Self-responsibility, and "thou shalt not covey thy neighbor's stuff." And so on.
So on, indeed.