Old. Conservative. Christian. In love with my wife, our boys, Texas, America, Western Civilization, and Jesus. Sorry about the decline of newspapers. Therefore, a Trump voter.
. . . the transformation of Democrats into socialists.
The Democratic left re-emerged in the 1960s and ’70s, pushing the party outside political and cultural norms with street protests, antiwar marches and . . .
Back in 1965, the Frankfurt School Marxist Herbert Marcuse wrote an essay called “Repressive Tolerance.” It is a totalitarian classic. Marcuse distinguished between two kinds of tolerance. . . .
. . . progressivism. Victor Davis Hanson considers both ideology and "a culture of behavior" and sees the true villain as globalism, with globalists being defined by whom they despise, namely:
The carbon-spewing Winnebago owners, the snowmobilers, the jet skiers, the Glock packers, the Elks Clubbers, the . . .
. . . called into question everything and solved nothing."
The Great War, as [World War I] was then called, fundamentally undermined the cultural continuity of the West. Disconnected from the past, Western societies . . .
. . . in the 1996 presidential election, was President Clinton complicit?
In the 1990s, a hostile foreign power meddled in our presidential election. There were serious questions about whether one party's candidate -- the beneficiary -- was complicit in the meddling, or at least looked the other way while it was going on. The candidate fiercely resisted . . .