KAMALA HARRIS was the first major* candidate to drop out of the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination battle, due to a mortal lack of support within the party. Now she's been anointed to be the next president of the United States of America, delayed briefly for . . .
. . . a brief Biden regency.
Democratic insiders don't even respect their own voters. Speaking through polls, rank-and-file Democrats wisely turned thumbs down on Ms. Harris.
She had started with support from insiders and big-time reporters. By late 2019, her campaign had crashed and burned.
She didn't lose in Iowa or New Hampshire. She didn't even make it to Iowa or New Hampshire.
Marianne Williams lasted longer than she did.
Kamala Harris won a senatorial election in California, but she has demonstrated that she is a terrible national candidate.
Mr. Biden's behind-the-scenes keepers think they are competent to run the executive branch of the United States government. Yet they cannot even pick a vice-presidential candidate competent enough to run her own political campaign.
Even Democrats didn't like her then. Why does the Biden campaign think she will do any better now?
It's a dumb move.
She'll inspire a surprising number of potential voters to stay home or vote secretly for Trump-Pence.
We'll talk later about her radicalism.
*I'm using major ironically here. Kamala Harris never earned the title on the political battlefields. She was, however, touched by the golden wand of political reporters paid to tell readers and viewers what they're supposed to think. Now they're telling us what a brilliant choice she is and, oh, by the way, did you know she's really, deep-down, a moderate?
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